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Fenwood Creek Watershed Logo

The Fenwood Creek watershed drains approximately 39 square miles (24,958 acres) of land into the Big Eau Pleine (BEP) reservoir.  The Fenwood Creek represents one of three  major surface water tributaries that empty into the BEP reservoir which immediately flows into Lake DuBay, both flowages of the Wisconsin River.  The other two tributaries include the Big Eau Pleine River and Freeman Creek.  Figure 1 outlines the location of the Fenwood Creek watershed (yellow) in context to the Big Eau Pleine River watershed (blue). 

The Big Eau Pleine (BEP) River Watershed is located mostly in western Marathon County with smaller areas located in Clark and Taylor counties.

Fenwood Creek Watershed Map

The Marathon County Conservation, Planning, and Zoning Department has several cost-share opportunities for Fenwood Creek Landowners. More information can be obtained by calling 715-261-6000 and also by viewing the following information brochures: 

Department of Agriculture

EPPIC is a Producer-Led Watershed Protection Group, funded by the Department of Agriculture, Trade & Consumer Protection (DATCP).

Red Door Family Farm
Wisconsin DNR
Marathon County
Short Lane Ag Supply
Dairy Grazing Apprenticeship
UW Extension
Pheasants Forever
Cavern Point Farm
WI Farm Bureau
Socha Farms
Maple Ridge Dairy
Briggs Family Farm
Marshfield Agricultural Research Station
Miltrim Farms
River Alliance of Wisconsin
Phone: 715-261-6006

Address: 210 River Drive. Wausau WI 54403
Eau Pleine Partnership
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